Lenora Judith Pachelbel was born in Erfurt, Germany where her father and mother (Johann and Judith) were living with already five children. She was born November 24,1691, just five minutes ahead of her twin brother, Charles Theodore.

Besides Lenora and Charles there was also, WWilhelm Hieronymus (1681-1745), Amelia Judith (1683-1769), Heinrich Josef (1685-1757), Michael Josef (1685-1735) and Johann Regen (1688-1728). Lenora grew up happy and carefree mostly. 

She learned much from her mother, Judith, like housekeeping and other general girl knowledge, but,her father, the infamous, Johann Pachelbel, was delighted that a daughter of his wished to take his tradition as a musician and he taught her with the greatest delight. 

By age 10,she was a master violinist, by age 13, she had mastered the harpsichord and viola de gamba. And Pachelbel taught his daughter (and sons Wilhelm and Charles) the sacred arts of music composition. Mind you, he also taught the instruments of choice to his sons as well. 

Then tragedy struck, on March 21st, 1706, when the celebrated Johann Pachelbel died of a stress related stroke, this left Lenora positively devastated. The one truest love of her life, was gone, she was barely fourteen years old and her pain was already more than she felt she could bear. 

On the morning of Pachelbel's funeral, Lenora stayed silent as the tomb itself,her grief was so deep it paralized her for the time, after they went home after the tomb was closed and the great man was laid to rest, Lenora broke down in her bedchambers, she was crushed, and she wept stormily, the stinging bitter tears fell like the rain. 

Lenora wrote a poemto her beloved father, one that spoke of her undying love for him and her thanks to God for making her the daughter of Johann Pachelbel, I will publish that poem in its own page bearing the title of the poem, "God's Gift".